
  • Максим Пасенко


Nowadays, the primary issue of ensuring the stable functioning of domestic business structures, regardless of the field and scale of activity, remains the factor of martial law, which, on the one hand, creates a multifaceted complex of economic threats and challenges, and on the other hand, the issue of organizing activities within the limits of individual specific economic sectors is actualized.

It should be noticed that the general impact of a full-scale war on the economic system found its practical expression in a wide range of destructive phenomena, starting with the physical destruction of objects of industrial, energy and infrastructural potential, ending with a significant reduction in human potential and levels of staffing of the domestic labor market [1, with. 160].

At the same time, we note that one of the industries that underwent significant transformational changes under the influence of the martial law factor was the sphere of health care and the provision of medical services. This fact is caused by a significant increase in traumatic injuries of the population, such as mine-explosive injuries, traumatic amputations of limbs and other injuries associated with active military operations. In this context, the problem of forming an effective organizational and economic support for the processes of hardware diagnostics and treatment in Ukraine becomes particularly relevant. Let's add that hardware treatment is a set of modern methods for organizing medical measures for rehabilitation of affected limbs in terms of bone tissue fragment repositioning, use of autografts with orthobiology, removal of ferromagnetic bodies of foreign origin, etc. with the aim of accelerating the recovery and healing of damaged limbs, minimizing the negative consequences of injuries, shortening the rehabilitation period [2, p. 125]. In modern conditions, this direction of development of medical technologies is characterized by a high degree of innovation, which is explained by the low degree of invasiveness of the technique, the availability of cost parameters of service provision, and a high level of effectiveness.

Support for the sustainable development of the field of hardware treatment and diagnostics in Ukraine requires the development of effective mechanisms for the organizational and economic support of relevant processes, which can be summarized in the following key areas: (1) deepening of cooperative relationships between medical, scientific and educational institutions; (2) mobilization of donor aid in financing innovative development projects in this area; (3) creation of promising programs for exchange of experience with foreign medical institutions; (4) increasing the amount of financial allocations from the state in order to stimulate its progressive development.

Summarizing, we can conclude that stimulating the development of modern innovative technologies in the medical field, in particular hardware treatment and diagnostics, requires complex measures to form organizational and economic support, with the aim of forming stable prerequisites for the development of this field in Ukraine.


Солосіч О. С., Сінайко М. Д. Аналіз параметрів макроекономічної безпеки України в умовах воєнного стану. Economic Synergy. 2024. № 1. С. 154-166. DOI:

Пасенко М.С. Проблеми забезпечення конкурентоспроможного розвитку сфери апаратного діагностування та лікування в Україні. Розвиток підприємництва як фактор зростання національної економіки: матеріали ХХІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. (м. Київ, 22 листопада 2023 року). С. 125. URL:


