
  • I Olyfirenko


The digital transformation of society contributes to the development of the digital economy - a special type of economy in which the production, exchange and consumption of goods and services takes place thanks to the Internet. This necessitates the search (development) and implementation of qualitatively new enterprise management methods, in particular, strategic management systems.

The digital transformation of the enterprise consists in the implementation of modern technologies in its business processes. This process also requires fundamental changes in management approaches, personnel development, and external communications. Information technologies play the role of drivers of progress in the production of goods and services, forming a single digital model of the enterprise, which consists of the integration of the management system, organizational and economic relations, technical means and software [2].

Strategic management of the enterprise in the conditions of digitalization consists in transforming it into a digital one, where digital communication ensures the interaction of a business organization with its customers, individualized and personalized product/service offers, decision-making based on data, under the influence of changes in the external and internal environment of the company . Digital strategy is strategies for digital operations, use of cloud technologies, application management. Digital strategy builds business relationships through digital networks supported by enterprise-class technology platforms used by the business organization to support critical business functions and services.

The pace of transformations inherent in the digital economy, the availability and openness of data require speed in decision-making, high flexibility and adaptability to the conditions of the external environment. This is what causes complexity in the process of strategic management, which is designed for a rather long period of time. In such conditions, strategic planning and the goals and tasks set during it may lose their relevance even at the development stage. The selection and management of the company's personnel is also a certain challenge, since the search, training and retraining also take some time.

Regardless of certain disadvantages and threats that the process of digital transformation of the enterprise carries, and its impact on strategic management, the advantages that digitalization gives are much higher - increasing the quality of products, improving the production process, automating business processes, creating new professions and specialties, as well as improving the qualifications of employees, etc. That is why digital leaps, which are now the new kind of norm, require business organizations to constantly change, evolve and innovate, which significantly affects both internal and external strategic factors.


Grab B., Olaru M., Gavril R. The impact of digital transformation on strategic business management. Digitization and Strategic Management. Ecoforum 8(1). 2019.

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