
  • Bogdan Dergaliuk
  • Artur Rozdorozhnyi


Recovery of the economic potential of enterprises embraces its creation, distribution and implementation. Quality of the mentioned processes creates the conditions for recovery at higher levels of the economy. Under conditions of the military aggression and full-scale invasion of russia into territory of Ukraine, domestic enterprises as well as, respectively the state economy suffered significant losses in economic potential. According to [1] irreversible losses of industrial potential have already amounted to 30%. In the context of enterprises by type of economic activity, there is a complete shutdown/suspension of large machine-building, agrarian, chemical industry and metallurgical entities. Significant losses were incurred in the energy sector and production infrastructure in general. Light industry, trade, and service companies turned out to be the most adaptive. In terms of economic potential, significant losses were recorded in the human resources, financial and investment, technical and technological, production and sales, and resource components. This is also evidenced by the data from enterprise surveys [2-4]. Nevertheless, the steps taken at all levels of the national economy since the beginning of the full-scale war, we see a decrease in negative expectations and an increase in positive scenarios for the restoration of the economic potential of business. 58% of businesses forecast growth in 2024, 29% expect unchanged development, and only 13% have negative expectations; 26% of businesses plan to implement investment projects, 65% - social initiatives; 87% plan to increase wages, 40% - increase staff [3]. The expectations of international partners, including the EBRD, remain mostly pessimistic, due to a number of uncertainties, low security, and the current military situation [5]. 

A complex of the interdependent actions of all economy levels’ subjects is in the basis of the enterprises’ economic potential recovery. At the enterprise level this includes, in particular, short- and medium-term strategizing of the entrepreneurial fundraising usage, emphasis on mental recovery and support of the personnel, usage of flexible forms of work process, data-based management, usage of the project-oriented tools at anti-crisis management. At the state level: support of relocation programs and export orientation, business deregulation, property rights protection, informational and financial support of small and medium-sized enterprises, intensification of public-private partnership and participation of business associations in the development of socio-economic development projects, balancing of the labor market, activization of effective demand. At the United Territorial Community level: activization of the business environment, support of relocation programs (according to the business requests), search of the donation support programs of small and medium-sized enterprises, usage of the wide range of informational and consultancy, HR and intellectual support, minimization of tax burden, rental etc.


Geets V.M. On the assessment of economic losses of Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation / Transcript of the report at the meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 30.03.2022. Doi:

Business Expectations of Ukrainian and Regional Enterprises: NBU Survey Data. URL:

Business forecasts 2024: EBA survey results. URL:

State and needs of business according to local authorities - research: according to the Decentralization website. URL:


