
  • H Sydorenko
  • S Kyselytsia


Logistics in commercial enterprises during wartime is a complex and multifaceted area that faces significant challenges and transformations. The war makes adjustments to all aspects of business, especially to logistics, which becomes a key element in the survival and efficiency of enterprises. Let us consider some of them:

  1. Difficulties in the development of logistics processes.

The war affects logistics on several levels:

- instability of supply chains, as their usual channels may be interrupted or destroyed, requiring the search for alternative routes and suppliers;

- Increased risks and unpredictability of events - includes the possibility of goods and vehicles coming under fire, as well as problems with personnel safety;

- changes in demand, as military operations change consumer priorities, affecting the range of goods and their supply.

  1. Increase in logistics and other costs.

Logistics costs of commercial enterprises are growing for the following reasons:

- Increased transportation costs due to dangerous conditions and the need to avoid conflict zones; - Increased security and insurance costs due to the need to provide additional protection for goods and personnel, as well as insurance against war risks; - frequent cases of loss of goods due to shelling and delivery delays, which affect the overall efficiency of supply chains.

  1. Philosophical aspects: - In a philosophical context, wartime logistics reflects deeper issues of human existence and interaction with extreme conditions; - moral dilemmas due to the choice between efficiency and ethics, for example, in cases where it is necessary to decide which goods to supply in the first place; - survival and adaptation issues, as in times of war, people and organizations need to adapt to new realities, often at the expense of familiar values and practices; - community resilience (understanding the importance of cohesion and collective efforts to overcome wartime difficulties).

Thus, logistics at enterprises in wartime goes beyond the traditional understanding of business processes, turning into a complex area where practical needs are intertwined with ethical, philosophical and strategic dimensions. This requires not only technical adaptation, but also a deep reflection and rethinking of approaches to management, strategic planning, and interaction with customers and suppliers. Logistics in wartime is not only a challenge but also an opportunity to develop new, more flexible and resilient systems that can adapt to the most difficult conditions.

In this context, it is also important to ensure communication between the various elements of the logistics chain, including producers, suppliers, distributors and consumers. Effective communication and coordination are key to maintaining the reliability and efficiency of logistics operations in wartime. The ability to respond quickly to changes in customer demands and market conditions is also important.

From a philosophical point of view, war brings an element of existential crisis to logistics, raising questions about the moral and ethical aspects of their activities. This includes responsibility to employees, customers, and society, as well as the need to find a balance between economic efficiency and social responsibility. In this context, logistics is evolving from a purely technical discipline into a field where ethical decisions and humanitarian issues are important.


The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade Deborah CowenCopyright Date: 2014 Published by: University of Minnesota Press

Ethics in Economics: An Introduction to Moral Frameworks. By Jonathan B. Wight. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2015. 296 pages. April 6, 2020


